Half of Finns support same-sex marriage

According to a recent survey, 49% of the population of Finland except the Åland islands are in favour of same-sex marriage, while 33% are against. Thirteen per cent are indifferent.
The support is most marked in those under the age of 35, while retired people are the most sceptical. Politically segmented, 61% of the supporters of the conservative National Coalition Party, 50% of the Social Democrats and 32% of the nationalistic True Finns support same-sex marriage.
The Finnish LGBT organisation SETA engaged Taloustutkimus to do the survey. 503 people between the ages of 17 to 79 years were interviewed on 4 and 5 May. The margin of error is 4,5%.

Tiedote: Yleisen avioliittolain kannattajia selkeästi enemmän kuin vastustajia (SETA 11.5.11)
Nästan hälften stöder könsneutrala äktenskap (svenska.yle.fi 11.5.11)
Liki puolet sukupuolineutraalin avioliiton kannalla (Kotimaa24 11.5.11)

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