"Behead all gays," says Gambian president

The Gambia is the smallest country on the African continental mainland and is bordered to the north, east, and south by Senegal, and has a small coast on the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The country, with an area of 10,380 sq.km. and a population of 1,7 million, is ruled by president Yahya Jammeh (born in 1965). He took power in a bloodless coup in 1994 and was elected president two years later.
The president likes to be portrayed as a devout Moslem, and has done some interesting stunts to prove his spiritual worth. The most dangerous of these are his alleged healing of people with AIDS and his recent threat to behead any homosexuals that hadn't left the country within 24 hours.
To my knowledge, his threat hasn't been fulfilled - yet - but it can't have any positive impact on the human rights situation in his country or in Africa in general. Moreover, if he goes ahead with his homophobic plans, the Gambia's economy will suffer, with a decline in foreign aid, in trade, and in tourism. Two Spanish tourists have already been arrested.
But that hasn't stopped madmen before. What remains to be seen is whether president Jammeh is one or not.
President plans to kill off every single homosexual (Afrik.com 19.5.08)
President Jammeh Gives Ultimatum for Homosexuals to Leave (Gambia News 19.5.08)
Doom awaits gays in Gambia (Gambia News 21.5.08)
Gambias president tar bladet från munnen (Antigayretorik 21.5.08)
Gambias president hotar döda landets homosexuella (Dagen 22.5.08)
Gambia gay death threat condemned (BBC News 23.5.08)
Two Spanish caught in the Gambia after President called for the death of Homosexuals (Afrik.com 2.6.08)
Two Alleged Homosexuals Arrested (Gambia News 2.6.08)
Update 5.6.08: The Spanish tourists have been released, Advocate News reports.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

It has nothing to do with "homophobic plans" as you put it. It has to do with his religion, Islam, the god Allah, Muhammed and so on. It is his belief to do as the god Allah commands.

Otherwise it is horrible! Lets se if he does this evil.

Kalle af sa...

Yes? Does it matter what motive he has for his homophobia? I agree that Islam is to blame in this case - but does it matter? He's homophobic all the same.