"The Bible is not God!"

The Bible is NOT God! To elevate the Bible to the status of God, not only is an injustice to scholarship and logic, but is a direct offense against God Himself. We are to have no idols other than God, and biblical literalists and many of those who seek to counter them, both use the Bible as an idol, elevating it to the point where they explicitly or implicitly believe that it contains all of God's Word to us. Jesus is God's Word, and Jesus makes very clear what God expects of His followers: to trust God over and above seen circumstances, and to love other people! That's what puts the lie to homophobic professing Christians' selective use of certain biblical passages to "justify" and impose their hateful prejudices on others; their re-defining Christianity, and God Himself, in their own image, thereby using not only the Bible, but themselves, as their idols; ignoring Jesus' words, work, ministry, and life!
The Bible is best viewed as a "finger" that points us to a couple of the many dimensions of God. What the biblical literalists do is equivalent to the following: If I ask you where you live and you point in a given direction and I just keep staring at your finger, I'll soon come to know everything about your finger, its size, shape, fingerprint, and every single detail about your finger, but I won't come any closer to knowing where you live. I have to look to the place where your finger is pointing in order to know where you live. The same holds true for those who elevate the Bible as being the "inerrant word of God." No! Only God is the Inerrant Word!

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Det var en bra bild.

Anonym sa...

Vad menar du? Att Bibelns ord inte gäller? Den bara visar riktningen? Vilken riktning visar då ställena som handlar om homosexuellt liv och levere i Bibeln?

Kalle af sa...

Min inställning till de citat jag publicerar framgår av mitt svar till Illmans kommentar till mitt inlägg "For us the Bible ..." (15.6.07)

Min åsikt om förhållandet mellan Bibeln och Guds ord framgår ur inlägget "Verbi divini minister", som jag hänvisar till ovan.

Om homosexualitet och bibel har jag som bekant skrivit i serien "Hbt-bibeln", som hittas genom länkarna till höger.

Anonym sa...

Mukava kuulla että on olemassa kristittyjä jotka ajattelevat noinkin (=järkevästi).