God loves heterosexuals, too

The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision.
- Lynn Lavner
as quoted in a comment on CBC News

4 kommentarer:

Juhani Westman sa...

There you see, the heteros are much more creative when it comes to various methods of sinning!
Man får nog uppfattningen att hetero-människorna också är mera kreativa när det gäller att ha skoj. Att ha skoj är ju enligt endel fundamentalister i sig synd.

Carita Blom sa...

put a sock in it! the level of this is fast deteriorating...

Kalle af sa...

Carita, is it Juhani or me you are telling to place the footwear strategically?

Juhani Westman sa...

Nå, va sa ja nudå...